I have just finished cataloguing Douce’s folders of woodcuts, which contain quite a few illustrations from late eighteenth-century and early nineteenth-century German almanacs. The autumn months are often represented by apple-picking:
In one of his commonplace books, Douce wrote down the following recipe, which had been given to him by the housekeeper of his friend the Rev. Edward Goddard in 1830:
Baked apple pudding
Purée and core 6 apples. Put them in a stew-pan with as much water as will cover them. When done rub them through a hair-sieve. Add to the pulp 2 ounces of fresh butter, the yolks of 2 eggs & the white of one, a little grated lemon peel & nutmeg & sugar to your taste. Line your dish or mould with puff paste, then pour it in. Twenty minutes will bake it in a quick oven.
(Ms. Douce e.105)