Nobody else can say that they have had their work up in the Ashmolean …….

blog post IMG_3296…..were the words of a Meadowbrook student when I told her (in early Nov) we would exhibit her work.

On Saturday 13 December, we opened the first Me, Myself and Manet exhibition- an exhibition celebrating the art work created by the three groups we have worked with so far.

What a fantastic turn out: young parents, students, teachers, children centre staff, hospital patients, artists and their families came from, not only Oxfordshire, but London. Also joining us was the HLF (without which there would be no projects) as well as Ashmolean staff, including the Director, Xa Sturgis who kindly opened the exhibition. The Shadow Arts Minister even popped his head in to see the reinterpretation of Manet’s portrait through 21st Century eyes.

blog post - B4wIjItCQAAJi16.jpg largeEveryone involved made it a real success and it was great to capture their different perspectives: the young people, whose work now hangs on the Ashmolean walls, feel a real sense of achievement and ownership of the space in the museum (and part of the museum in general); the partners are really happy to see the young people be involved with such positive learning and projects that focus on confidence building; the funders were highly supportive of the focus on the projects –highlighting and celebrating the participants’ artwork; and the Ashmolean is delighted to have the opportunity to see great works of art through the eyes of a generation that otherwise may not have encountered Manet, art and the Ashmolean before.

Do come and see the exhibition for yourself.

Me, Myself and Manet exhibition, outside the Education Studio, The Ashmolean, Beaumont Street from 13 Dec to mid January 2015

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