We’ve been touring primary schools in Oxford this term to try out some new activities.

Children got the chance to pick a Roman name. They used their new Roman identities to make clay inscriptions, choose Roman jobs and make votives to the gods. Finally they joined the Roman army – learning some Latin commands and making personalised sling bullets with messages for their enemies.
But this wasn’t just an excuse to have fun with clay — although we certainly did. The workshops were designed to teach about Roman life topics, through Latin inscriptions. The activities were a chance to think about Roman citizenship, identity, work, religion and warfare.
These activities are now available as part of school visits to the Ashmolean. Alternatively teachers will soon be able to run their own workshops using resources from our web site. To find out more or join our education mailing list email ashli@classics.ox.ac.uk
We want to say a big thank you for their enthusiasm and warm welcome to St Michael’s CE Primary School, Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School, Windmill Primary School and Appleton C of E Primary School.